Yuri Pol

Yuri Pol


Fotógrafo, realizador multimedia y diseñador gráfico en COAG. Autor de cortometrajes y documentales, ha participado en numerosas exposiciones fotográficas tanto individuales como colectivas y publicado fotografías en algunos de los periódicos y revistas más relevantes del país.


Saint Blaise

From: 28 Sep 23 Until: 05 Oct 23
De 11:00h a 19:00h

Through photography, drawing, collage, sculpture, painting… the artists show us their perception and interpretation of the peripheries. Fernando Barrios Benavides is known by an abstraction with a narrative, through sculptures and sometimes collage painting that combines different materials, techniques and materials. Raúl Bravo makes drawings and quick sketches in his urban drifts, collages in the manner of an artist’s book. Yuri Pol, through photography, brings us social instants, human landscapes, empty territories, but also poetic images of greater abstraction.

Invernadero The Sibarist

11 San Lorenzo St.

Yuri Pol (Oviedo, 1973), graduated in Media Studies (UCM). Photographer, multimedia producer and graphic designer at COAG. Author of short films and documentaries (”Solar”, “Sector 3”, “Error de sistema”, “El Salobral, viaje al centro de la periferia”, “Las causas del sur”). Solo photographic exhibitions (Montaña Artificial del Parque del Retiro, Sala Minerva del Círculo de Bellas Artes, Sala Ultravioleta, Centro Cultural El Soto) and group exhibitions (Centro Cultural Conde Duque, AAF London Fair, Sala Canal de Isabel II). Publication of photographs: El País, El Mundo, Le Temps, Revista Arco, Elle, UHF, Viento Sur, Ediciones Asimétricas.